Friday, July 3, 2009

Enfin, mon jardin a moi

I truly do not recall the last time the house was this quiet with the baby (yes, I know she's a toddler now, but she'll be the baby for quite some time) sleeping and Little R away with his dad and grand papa. Perhaps this is the first time ever! I'd better hurry up and type before Little S wakes up.

In the last two months I've been virtually absent from the Internet and away from the screen of a computer. Logistically it's been difficult to be able to come online and then write because of the location of the computer(s), what the computer(s) is/are doing, my lack of time and fatigue. However, I have been able to spend time outside in the fenced off yard digging up sod (literally tonnes - a tonne is a thousand pounds, I believe), turning it, amending it, double digging it, sowing and planting in it. Now that most of the hard work is done, I just go out to water, pull out weeds, harvest (snow peas and greens), stake plants, and just spend time adoring the fruits and flowers of the plants.

How wonderful it is to be in touch with nature albeit in "civilized" nature not wild nature. So far the experience has been very rewarding and enjoyable. But, I do seem to have a bit of a problem with slugs mostly in my front yard where I planted most of the herbs and flowers in a bed where a cedar once ruled. I feel bad about spraying 1/2 and 1/2 water and vinegar and causing the slugs to shrivel up, but I'm not sure how else to save my plants. The fenced off area where all the tomatoes, melons and squash, peas, Chinese leeks, onions, lettuce, chards, cilantro, etcetera are does not seem to be so infested by the slugs. I would just like to find a way to make sure they don't go there.

In sprouting news, the organic avocado pit I poked three toothpicks into and submerged into a baby food jar of water has finally set down a couple of roots! I started this project back in November 2008. I actually had two pits sitting on water held by toothpicks, but I accidentally split the other one open and destroyed the embryo :( I wanted two avocado plants to see if I could actually grow avocado fruit in Canada. Well, I did give one pit to Dana, and she put hers in her worm bin; perhaps if our pits do grow into nice plants we could bring them together to see if any fruit would grow.

I am trying to upload a few pictures, but so far it seems that I've exceeded my daily upload alotment. I'll have to upload the pictures next time... when in the world will I have this much time (which is just enough to write one blog) and quietness again???


  1. I can relate, I am spending most of my time in my garden too. Right now we have a grub problem that I am trying to get under control.

  2. Oh, man, I have a slug problem in my front yard where I planted flowers and herbs. One day I planted the parsley the next day the leaves were gone! Have you tried the beer trap? I've tried vinegar and water and soapy water, but the two only seem to work only when the slugs are sprayed.


Welcome to my web log

Here, I intend to write about topics that include raising children, health, food, vegan living, gardening, the environment, and life in general. I'll be sharing recipes, stories, information that I've read, and questions. Please feel free to leave comments.